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    8:00am-5:00pm CT
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Available for use by anyone living or traveling in Texas.

  • Best Value

    1-Year/365 Plan

    per year
    • Yearly (365 day) access
    • Adult Medicine Physicians, 24/7
    • No appointments
    • No copay
    • One time fee

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  • 72-Hour Access

    per 72 hours
    • 72-hour access
    • Adult Medicine Physicians, 24/7
    • No appointments
    • No copay
    • One time fee

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  • Monthly Subscription

    per month
    • Monthly access
    • Adult Medicine Physicians, 24/7
    • No appointments
    • No copay
    • Recurring monthly billing,
      cancel anytime

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  • Best Value

    1-Year/365 Plan

    per year
    • Yearly (365 day) access
    • Includes up to 4 family member accounts
    • Adult Medicine & Pediatric Physicians, 24/7
    • No appointments
    • No copay
    • One time fee

    Get Started

  • Monthly Subscription

    per month
    • Monthly access
    • Includes up to 4 family member accounts
    • Adult Medicine & Pediatric Physicians, 24/7
    • No appointments
    • No copay
    • Recurring monthly billing,
      cancel anytime

    Get Started

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