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Jeanette M. LaFreniere, MD


In 4th grade, I took a summer school science class, and from then on, I wanted to be a doctor. I worked with and volunteered in child-focused activities, so I chose pediatrics, and it was the best choice! Every day, I love working with my patients and their grown-ups, and teaching them about their bodies and health. I believe the best care for a child is evidenced-based and team-based, with the patient, grown-up, and pediatrician as a team. Building relationships is one of the best parts of pediatrics, so I hope my patients see me as someone they trust, so when they grow into teenagers, they have an additional adult to turn to during the rocky moments.

Languages: Spanish (limited)


Board Certifications
Board Certified in Pediatrics
University of Texas Dell Medical School, Austin, TX, 2021
BS in Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2014
Professional Positions
  • Member, American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Member, Travis County Medical Society